
  • June 2024, a paper is accepted by Bioinformatics (IF=5.8)
  • May 2024, GBD 2021 Forecasting Capstone paper is accepted by The Lancet (IF=168.9)
  • May 2024, GBD 2021 Risk Factors Capstone paper is accepted by The Lancet (IF=168.9)
  • May 2024, a paper is accepted by Computers in Biology and Medicine (IF=7.7).
  • Apr 2024, GBD 2021 Global incidence, prevalence, YLDs, DALYs, and HALE paper is accepted by The Lancet (IF=168.9)
  • Apr 2024, GBD 2021 Causes of Death paper is accepted by The Lancet (IF=168.9)
  • Mar 2024, GBD 2021 Global fertility paper is accepted by The Lancet (IF=168.9)
  • Mar 2024, Patient privacy paper is accepted by Trends in Genetics (IF=11.4)
  • Mar 2024, GBD 2021 Demographics paper is accepted by The Lancet (IF=168.9)
  • Feb 2024, invited to the TV show “Investing Now for Future in Hong Kong and the Middle East:New Cradle of Innovation” by RTHK 香港電台
  • Dec 2023, PPML-Omics is accepted by Science Advances (IF=15.4).
  • Dec 2023, PPPML-HMI is accepted by Computers in Biology and Medicine (IF=7.7).
  • Nov 2023, invited to give a talk to the Saudi Olympiad Elite Camp.
  • Oct 2023, AFS is accepted by Nature Communications (IF=17).
  • Sep 2023, passed my Ph.D. proposal titled “Towards Privacy-preserving Artificial General Intelligence (PAGI) for Healthcare and Bioinformatics”.
  • Jun 2023, COVID-19 paper is accepted by Nature Communications (IF=17).
  • Mar 2023, spatial transcriptomics paper is accepted by Nature Communications (IF=17).
  • Feb 2023, invited to give a talk at Rising Stars in AI Symposium 2023 at KAUST.
  • Oct 2022, DeeReCT-TSS paper is accepted by Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (IF=10.1).
  • May 2022, COVID-19 paper is accepted by Nature Machine Intelligence (IF=27.2).
  • Dec 2021, got my master of science degree, M.S. in Computer Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.