lc3.Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Given a string s
, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
0 <= s.length <= 5 * 104
consists of English letters, digits, symbols and spaces.
The simplest method to do is the brute force searching. Given a substring, we check whether it contains repeated characters. Then for all substrings of a given string, we do such a test and the total number of substrings of a given string with length $n$ is $n*(n+1)/2$.
For example, For each substring str[i, j] i.e. starting from index i and ending at index j, we use a function areUnique(str, i, j) to check if all the characters in the substring are unique or not. It will return true if all the characters are unique, otherwise false.
The time complexity of areUnque(str,i,j) is $O(j-i+1)$.
So the overall time compelxity is $n*(n+1)/2*O(j-i+1)=O(n^2)*O(j-i+1)$. In the worst-case, $O(j-i+1)=O(n)$, so the worst-case overall time complexity is $O(n^3)$.
We are using few extra variables and a constant size set visited[]. So space complexity = O(1).
To optimize, here is an optimization insight:
In the brute force idea, we repeatedly check a substring starting from the character str[i] to see if it has a duplicate character or not. We can optimize it further because, during the loop, if a substring str[i, j-1] is already checked to have no duplicate characters, then for the substring str[i, j], we only need to check if str[j] is already present in the substring str[i, j-1] or not.
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